I don’t get to go to many live shows, so it feels like ages since I went to a really special live event like this one. This was a different sort of event; still a live show, but really an offkai with a much smaller crowd and plenty of time to socialise. Everyone’s a bit socially awkward in their own way so this was kind of a relief, with only 10 attendees to try and remember the names of. 😂
I haven’t been to Omu since… I think around the time they opened. I’m glad they’ve settled in well and it seems to be going steadily. I got to gossip a bit with Miki-chan at the end of the night, which was really nice.
So yeah the format was to eat delicious omurice, take chekis, drink and make merry, and watch Wooly perform. By ordering a drink you get to requests songs from the menu, I think we got almost all of them ^^
- wooly_chan on Twitter
- wooly_chan on Instagram

I’ve been using the Sony A7.3 more recently, partly due to it’s smaller size and weight, and also because the 35mm f/1.8 lens that we own for it just hits the spot. This was one such occasion; I knew we’d be in close quarters so my usual 50mm on the Nikon wouldn’t work, and my f/4 wide-zoom is waaay to slow for this sort of uncertain lighting. The Sony turned out to the be right decision, it was cruising along at 1/250 at f/2, with auto ISO keeping most shots below ISO 3200 (with a +0.7 EV bias).