We’ve visiting the village of Ine today, in the far north of Kyoto prefecture. Its main claim to fame is the houses built right onto the waterfront, called Funaya. It’s like living right on top of your boathouse, which makes sense because Ine is an old fishing town.
The population has been shrinking steadily over time, probably owing to its remoteness and lack of accessibility – we had to drive here because there’s no trains, and the nearest stations are at least 10km away.
Local fish for lunch, at the restaurant waaaay up the hill from the waterfront
Not sure if it’s still true, but the signs say that Ine is/was one of the three biggest fishing grounds in all of Japan. I can believe it, there’s a lotta boats here!
Now that Elena’s back in Kyoto again, we met up with her to go take some photos. For a road trip like this, the more the merrier!
This is Fuji Pro 400H, one of my favourite films I’ve tried so far. As seems to be happening more and more, it’s discontinued now -_-
Being so quiet, it was blessedly easy to just stand around on the middle of the road and take photos
Shot on Kodak Tri-X, at least this one isn’t going away anytime soon. I’d need to see some big prints or scans to appreciate the results, but I think I like it for a b/w film
I think these two are mascots for local produce, but I’m not exactly sure what. Some sort of beans, judging by the hair accessories
Black soybeans..? That’s what I’m getting from their website, http://ajim.info/
Back in Kyoto for the night, we had okonomiyaki at a restaurant in a big department store food court